Обновлена программа SMFGUI

Program SMFGUI (Service Management Facility with a Graphical User Interface) developed by Kirov OSUG, now available in version with some betterments. You can download it here.

Настройка выхода в ВятКТВ в OpenSolaris

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OpenSolaris с KDE 4.3

6 August 2009 was released OpenSolaris with a graphical environment KDE 4.3RC3, based on OpenSolaris 2009.06. LiveDVD can be downloaded from genunix.org. This distribution is made by the developer community, OpenSolaris, and was named Korona 0.0.1. More information about the project transfer KDE on OpenSolaris can be read on the project page.

Локальный репозиторий OpenSolaris

Обновлена программа SMFGUI

Program SMFGUI (Service Management Facility with a Graphical User Interface) developed by Kirov OSUG, now available in version 0.9 with some betterments. You can download it here.
